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Dramatic Sky

15 Feb

I did warn that there would probably be lots of sunset photos this year.  I am amazed at the differences I see every night.


New Ferns

13 Feb

As my last fern purchase has been growing so well, I added to the collection today.  I have a few gaps in my mini fernery, so lets see how well these new babies grow.


Tonight the weather turned wet.  So after so many colourful sunsets the last week, todays was all about the clouds

©2017 Cathy Craig

Dark and Stormy

11 Feb

As the sunset gave a last gasp of colour tonight, there were some interesting clouds rolling in from the North.  Looked like a storm might be on the way, but we didn’t get any rain.

Sky on Fire

9 Feb

Tonights sky was amazing.  I was distracted and only caught it at the last gasp.


Sunset Timelapse

6 Feb

The colours tonight were not amazing, and I still managed to get a couple of unfocused frames  but my time-lapse sunset is a work in progress

A day later

5 Feb

It’s interesting just how much difference a day can make.  Same view as yesterday, but a completely different light show.  I did try to grab a time lapse, but in my haste I put the focus point on the sky and the camera didn’t always focus.  Another step on the learning curve.

©2017 Cathy Craig

In the moment

4 Feb

Tonights sunset had some nice colour, so I headed out for a photo.  I never seem to tire from taking sunset photos.©2017 Cathy Craig

While I was out on the balcony, one of our cats ‘Buttons’ came to investigate.  Of course the moment I started focussing the camera on her, she came towards me.  I feel lucky to have been quick enough to compose this one.

©2017 Cathy Craig